
Isreal: Brother Faces Charges For Homicide Of Sister Based On Her Sexual Orientation


The Haifa District Attorney’s office has recently filed an indictment in a district court against multiple individuals believed to be responsible for the murder of Sarit Ahmad, a Druze Israeli, that occurred in the month of June.

The indictment, stemming from an extensive investigation spanning several months, illuminates the circumstances encompassing the death of the young Israeli woman.

Among the accused is Sarit’s own brother, Sa’id Ahmad, aged 29, who stands accused of masterminding the execution, driven by his sister’s sexual orientation.

The victim, an 18-year-old resident of the Druze locality of Kisra-Sumei, endured years of intimidation due to her sexual identification as a lesbian. Her tribulations led her to depart from her familial abode at the age of 16 in the year 2020, seeking sanctuary in shelters for the homeless.

The indictment also designates the alleged contract killers employed by Sa’id, namely Hisham Mareihi, aged 39, and Shadi Abu Saraya, aged 39. The charges leveled against them encompass a spectrum of grave offenses, including but not limited to murder, arson, and obstruction of justice.

Sarit’s re-entry into her family residence in late 2022, following the financial and personal hardships she encountered, took a grievous turn. Despite assurances of her safety from her brother, the situation rapidly escalated.

On June 9, 2023, under the guise of a car exchange, Sarit was lured to a parking lot in Yarka, where the hitmen struck her vehicle and opened fire as she tried to escape the situation.

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About the Author: Meera Verma