
LGBTQ Woman Moves Punjab & Haryana HC Seeking Protection for GF’s Life


An LGBT woman from Panchkula has approached the Punjab-Haryana High Court, expressing concern that her girlfriend is in illegal custody of her parents, and there is a threat to her life.

The LGBT woman filed a petition in the Punjab-Haryana High Court, stating a threat to her girlfriend’s life and seeking protection.

According to the petition, the friend of the petitioner called the petitioner’s mother, claiming her life was in danger. The Court has deemed the matter serious and directed the Chandimandir police to produce the petitioner’s girlfriend at the next hearing.

In the petition, the LGBT woman mentioned being in love with a girl from her Panchkula neighborhood. When the girl’s family discovered this, they attempted to separate the petitioner and their daughter.

Subsequently, the petitioner and her partner went to Delhi. It came to their knowledge that the girlfriend’s family had filed a kidnapping complaint with the police.

Upon receiving this information, both of them went to the police station to record their statements. After appearing before the magistrate, they were brought back to the police station in a police vehicle, where they were allegedly beaten by the police in the presence of the girlfriend’s family. The girlfriend was taken away by her family, and the petitioner claimed to have attempted suicide due to police harassment.

The petitioner asserted that her girlfriend had been taken to Uttar Pradesh by her family and had secretly called the petitioner’s mother to inform her about the incident. During the call, the girlfriend expressed fear of forced actions against her and claimed she could not live without the petitioner. The petitioner presented the case of the illegal custody of her girlfriend before the High Court.

Now, the court has instructed the police to produce the petitioner’s friend at the next hearing.

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About the Author: Nunnem Gangte