
Covid-19: Rise of disappointed expectations and frustrated contracts

The lockdown’s multiple negative consequences, like reverse migration and disruption of supply chains, will further add to the woes of businesses after it is lifted. Read more »

Are lay-offs legal?

The labour acts require work to be carried out for there to be an entitlement to wages and other benefits. When there is no work done, the owner/employer is well within his... Read more »

Addressing discrimination in the time of quarantine

If people with the disease fear discrimination, non-reporting would be the norm and we cannot keep people in their homes to flatten the curve forever. Read more »

Covid-19: Force Majeure and ‘Frustration in Frustration’ in discharge of contractual obligations

In our legal system, the courts apply the law and grant reliefs in balancing the equities between the parties. Read more »

Mandating private sector to pay wages: Legally justifiable?

It is not entirely clear as to whether the Central Government has the powers to direct or mandate private parties or employers to necessarily make payments to their workers, without considering their... Read more »

Digital: The new normal of banking industry

Banks should consider promoting contactless and digital payment options and minimising use of instruments/ processes which would require contact for transactions as part of business continuity measures. Read more »

Covid-19 and commercial thrombosis

The impact of Covid-19 on the obligation to comply with an unconditional and irrevocable bank guarantee is a critical issue which has arisen particularly in the case of performance of bank guarantees.... Read more »

The non-compete clause: Need for a relook

It is time to take a studied view and amend Section 27 of the Indian Contract Act, written for the 19th century, in the India of today Read more »

50 days of lockdown

The pandemic has exposed for all to see longstanding problems in the justice system across India. Let us acknowledge and rectify these issues. Read more »

The complexities of the death penalty

The death sentence remains a highly controversial topic: Its supporters believe they deter crimes while those against it argue that nobody has the right to take away somebody’s life. Read more »