The Kerala High Court on Wednesday dismissed the appeal filed by Malayalam Cine Director Lijeesh Mullejhath, challenging the dismissal of…
The Chief Justice of the Karnataka High Court PB Varale, recently expressed his view that there exists a pressing necessity…
The Calcutta High Court Chief Justice TS Sivagnanam recently stated that despite having attained the status of citizens in independent India,…
The Karnataka High Court recently directed the State government to proposed a minimum of three proposals to the Chief Minister…
The State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT) has informed the Kerala High Court that awareness of the Protection…
The Goa bench of the Bombay High Court has recently observed that Article 14 of the Constitution, which guarantees equality…
The Uttarakhand High Court recently directed the state government to blacklist equine handlers and owners along the Chardham Yatra route…
The Kerala High Court recently held that the denial of a revenue certificate based on land exemption from the Kerala…
The Manipur High Court recently directed the State government to explore options for providing mobile internet services to the public…
The Punjab & Haryana High Court has recently stayed the scheduled Wrestling Federation Of India (WFI) Election, originally planned for…