
Remembering the Mahatma as an eminent lawyer

‘Throughout my career at the bar I never once departed from the strictest truth and honesty. The first thing which you must always bear in mind, if you would spiritualize the practice... Read more »

Anti-suit injunctions and the Indian judiciary

Increase in transport and communication services across the globe has led to rapid growth of trade and commerce between nations. The rise in international commercial transactions has led to a significant rise... Read more »

Why Mahatma Gandhi continues to be relevant in the present-day world

Gandhi’s concept of non-violence could not be more relevant than in the present times. Realist paradigm for long have dominated international politics which states that international politics is characterised by anarchy and... Read more »

A prudent approach to ed-tech: Regulatory prism for the sector

“Invention, it must be humbly admitted, does not consist in creating out of void, but out of chaos” — Mary Shelley (in ‘Frankenstein’) A Brief Introduction  Technology is the greatest disruptive phenomenon... Read more »

Independence of Independent Director

The genesis of the institution of Independent Director should be viewed from the ownership of the company vis-àvis management. Board of Directors is an integral part of the company. In layman’s language,... Read more »


In the wake of the pandemic and the subsequent lockdown, the Reserve Bank of India in March issued circular, allowing banks to grant a moratorium to borrowers on payment of installments for... Read more »

MSMEs and Intellectual Property Rights

In this competitive market, one major issue faced by smaller entities is exploitation by larger entities and the same continues in case of the MSME sector. Read more »

Competition law and state aid for aviation sector

Does the sector need specific regulator or general regulator? A bird’s eye view. Read more »

Covid warrants increased acceptance of digital and electronic signatures

Electronic transactions have become a part of everyone’s lives in this era, owing to the massive and large-scale utilisation of technology in business, trade and commerce. Read more »

Losing ground of economic freedom: Moving beyond the rhetoric

There is an urgent need to correct inadequacies in banking regulation which allow banks to accumulate NPAs. Alongside, there should be more options for restructuring of banking companies. Makeshift provisions such as... Read more »