
Are tortious interference suits antithetical to free market competition?

Existence of a contract is an essential concomitant for this tort to have occasioned. The act of wrongfully inducing a person not to enter into a contract does not amount to tortious... Read more »

Madras High Court’s injunction against Patanjali’s Coronil

Coronil, the much marketed and advertised product offered by Baba Ramdev’s Patanjali had run into many imbroglios and legal hurdles since it was unveiled and introduced as a medicine to fight the... Read more »

‘Covid’ or ‘Corona’: Can they be trademarks for pharmaceutical industry?

The pandemic, an unprecedented crisis, has turned out to be a business opportunity for the pharmaceutical industry, with the industry reaping benefits from its Intellectual Property. There has been a plethora of... Read more »

The rigmaroles of deal making during Covid-19

Trends show that a number of businesses are facing challenges related to cash flows and investors are looking for assets at attractive valuations. Read more »

Competition law, digital world and search advertising

Introduction In our previous trend, we focused on the features of markets in the digital world with respect to high returns to scale and network externalities which went handin-hand with the rise... Read more »

Increase in settlement of disputes: The Covid-19 silver lining

COVID-19 pandemic has brought the Indian legal industry to a standstill. Even after the substantial reopening of the economy, Indian Courts and tribunals have continued to exhibit a cautious attitude by completely... Read more »

Court of Justice of European Union invalidates EU-US Privacy Shield

Is it time for companies to rethink their privacy policies because in case of Data Protection Commissioner V. (1) Facebook Ireland Ltd, (2) Maxmillian Schrems (C-311/18), popularly known as Schrems II, whereby... Read more »

Special Situation Funds: Bailing out India’s stuck housing projects

With many housing projects stuck due to legal troubles arising out of financial disputes, Special Situation Funds may be a sunrise opportunity. Read more »

The Consumer Protection Act, 2019: An overview

The key provisions of the Consumer Protection Act, 2019, have come into force on July 20, 2020. The Act received the assent of the President of India and was published in the... Read more »

APP ki Adalat: India’s app ban and the global trade debate

The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology vide its Press Release dated 29th June 2020 banned 59 mobile applications invoking Section 69A of the Information Technology Act, 2000 and relevant provisions of... Read more »