
Suspension of initiation of corporate insolvency proceedings

The introduction of new sub-section (3) to section 66 seems to be merely clarification based, and made by way of abundant caution for removal of doubts, as without it too the position... Read more »

Treading a tightrope: The way forward for the virtual currency sector in India

“When digital transformation is done right, it’s like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly, but when done wrong, all you have is a really fast caterpillar.” — George Westerman The aforementioned quote... Read more »

Future Frame of Arbitration post COVID-19

It may be noted that even after getting no place in statutory provisions, Emergency Arbitration is trying to absorb its place in the rules and procedures of several arbitration institutions. Read more »

The Duty of Full and Frank Disclosure: Serious consequences of failure for Punjab National Bank, before the English Court

It is a basic principle of justice that a respondent to an application to court should have the opportunity to be heard by the court before the court makes any order. What... Read more »

Covid-19 effect: Online hearings will now become the new normal

Keeping in mind the fact that coronavirus is likely to spread its wings globally for at least another year or two, having sittings through video conferencing would be the new normal procedure... Read more »

Covid-19 and the Digitalisation of Democracy

Attempts to get Digital India off to a flying start didn’t work as well as the Covid outbreak, which has forced people to accept going digital as the only way out. Read more »

Law firms and the Covid-19 pandemic: Lessons and notes

A major impact of the lockdown and Covid-19 has been, one that most shy away from admitting, the cash flow crunch. Read more »

How to make a will: A quick checklist

While it is advisable to a keep a will prepared in the best of times, the present time of uncertainty, makes it a much more real issue. Read more »

Tribunals and the increasing inroads by the Executive

Tribunals have failed on every parameter they were made for and have been nothing but a stop for bureaucrats to have post-retirement jobs in this country. Read more »

Online dispute resolution: An Indian perspective

The time is ripe for courts, the government, advocates, litigants, and concerned entities to go ahead and utilise the ODR to its full potential. Read more »