
Confidential data at the mercy of insolvency professionals

Legislators have left a vacuum in the code with respect to confidentiality. There is a dire need to add a provision which provides ample guidance as to how the information is to... Read more »

Focus on Local: Looking at competition law, policy lens

The key to success of Self-Reliant India would lie with the consumer who has to decide to promote locally produced goods and services. Local industries have to increase efficiency and work towards... Read more »

From band to bandwidth

With the unveiling of an e-filing module to file cases online, the Supreme Court has made the paradigm shift for lawyers. Read more »

One India, One Wage, One Ration Card and Migrant Labour

Given the wide disparity in wages across the states, the One Nation, One Ration Card plan makes sense and the government should not repeat the GST failure. Read more »

Tottering global economy speeds up arbitration, litigation funding

International commercial arbitration is expensive and, unlike litigation, its cost is borne by the parties. In the post Covid-19 scenario, third-party funding can provide access to justice. Read more »

Covid-19, mandatory wages and the extent of powers

The Disaster Management Act was never intended to have financial repercussions and directives under it cannot have mandatory financial obligations on private entities. Read more »

Commercial coal mining: The way forward

Despite huge reserves, India ends up importing almost 25 percent of its coal requirement. Some of it is unavoidable because of the quality of coal but more than 100 million tonnes of... Read more »

Covid-19: Rise of disappointed expectations and frustrated contracts

The lockdown’s multiple negative consequences, like reverse migration and disruption of supply chains, will further add to the woes of businesses after it is lifted. Read more »

Are lay-offs legal?

The labour acts require work to be carried out for there to be an entitlement to wages and other benefits. When there is no work done, the owner/employer is well within his... Read more »

Covid-19: Force Majeure and ‘Frustration in Frustration’ in discharge of contractual obligations

In our legal system, the courts apply the law and grant reliefs in balancing the equities between the parties. Read more »