
Mandating private sector to pay wages: Legally justifiable?

It is not entirely clear as to whether the Central Government has the powers to direct or mandate private parties or employers to necessarily make payments to their workers, without considering their... Read more »

Digital: The new normal of banking industry

Banks should consider promoting contactless and digital payment options and minimising use of instruments/ processes which would require contact for transactions as part of business continuity measures. Read more »

Covid-19 and commercial thrombosis

The impact of Covid-19 on the obligation to comply with an unconditional and irrevocable bank guarantee is a critical issue which has arisen particularly in the case of performance of bank guarantees.... Read more »

The non-compete clause: Need for a relook

It is time to take a studied view and amend Section 27 of the Indian Contract Act, written for the 19th century, in the India of today Read more »

50 days of lockdown

The pandemic has exposed for all to see longstanding problems in the justice system across India. Let us acknowledge and rectify these issues. Read more »

Corona toaster: From the lawyer who sold his scooter

The focus will be on the cost effectiveness of legal services provided and competitive cost will be a defining factor. The customer will be picking up the best package with all the... Read more »

Adoption of online dispute resolution in our legal system is an idea whose time has finally come

One can only hope the Novel Coronavirus outbreak spurs a movement of technology reforms that are long-lived. Read more »

Covid-19, an inflection point for digitisation of the Indian legal system

With inadequate infrastructure and lack of latest technological support, district courts across the country are far from prepared to meet the current constraints. Read more »

Legal education in India: Will Covid-19 act as a catalyst for reforms?

Technology has enabled students in remote areas to access resource persons, literature and opportunities of internships online. Read more »

Contract labour: The Covid impact

The concept of contract labour is covered by the Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970 (“CLARA”) which deems a workman to be employed as “contract labour” “in or in connection with... Read more »