In Haryana’s Fatehabad district, the court acquitted the accused in the rape case, saying that in the year-long physical relationship, equal consent of the woman is also seen. The court of Additional District and Sessions Judge Balwant Singh has acquitted the rape accused in a rape case, terming rape as consensual. The court said in its order that it does not appear from the course of events that the accused would have ever used coercion. The court said that it is not possible to believe that a person commits rape for one year and the woman does not even tell her husband.
in a village in Ratia, a mother of two children had accused the accused (Gurjeevan Singh) of raping her for a year by threatening her. Sadar Ratia police had registered a case against Gurjeevan Singh on March 23, 2022 under sections 323, 450, 354, 3543, 376, 506 of IPC. The victim alleged that she was the mother of two children. Her mother-in-law and father-in-law are old and her husband works as a laborer. The woman had alleged that one day he entered the house seeing her alone and forcibly dragged her to the room and raped her.
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