The Delhi High Court on Tuesday instructed the Department of Education (DoE) to submit a status report in response to a PIL seeking action to ensure the admission of students from the economically weaker section (EWS), disadvantaged groups (DG), and the general category in both government and private schools.
The petition, filed by the Justice for All NGO through advocates Khagesh Jha and Shikha Sharma Bagga, highlights the plight of around one lakh children who applied online but either failed to secure admission through the lottery system or were unable to gain entry into any school.
The petition raises concerns about these children being excluded from the education system, which could lead to their vulnerability to child labour.
The bench, led by Justice Manmohan and Justice Tushar Rao Gedela, also directed the DoE to address the representation filed by the petitioner NGO within two weeks.
In a related matter, the court had earlier directed the DoE to consider a representation challenging a circular dated November 11, 2024, issued by the Director of Education. This circular allegedly establishes separate admission timelines for children from weaker sections, disadvantaged groups, and the general category, which the petitioners argue undermines the principle of inclusivity established by the Right to Education (RTE) Act.
The petition calls for the circular to be quashed and urges the Delhi government to strictly adhere to the guidelines set on October 26, 2022, to prevent discrimination. It further demands the implementation of a unified admission schedule, in line with Section 15 of the RTE Act, 2009, and Clause 4(i) of the 2011 notification issued by the Lt. Governor of Delhi.
The petition argues that the circular’s segregation of admission timelines for the EWS category from the general category violates the core objectives of the RTE Act and the right to education guaranteed under Article 21A of the Constitution of India.
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