The Delhi High Court has issued a notice in response to a petition filed by Dalvin Suresh, the father of a student who tragically lost his life, challenging the interim bail granted to Abhishek Gupta, CEO of RAU’s IAS Study Circle, and Deshpal Singh, the institute’s coordinator.
The petition disputes the continued bail extension granted to the 2 accused by the trial court.
On December 7, 2024, the Rouse Avenue Court extended the interim bail for Gupta and Singh until January 31, 2025. Both had initially received bail on September 23, 2024, in connection with the July 26, 2024, incident where three UPSC aspirants drowned in the institute’s basement.
The High Court has also extended interim bail for 4 co-owners of the basement involved in the case.
Principal District and Sessions Judge Anju Bajaj Chandna, in her order, noted: “Taking an overall view of the matter, particularly considering that the Delhi High Court and the Supreme Court of India are addressing issues related to interim bail and compensation, and in light of the stay granted by the High Court on November 29, the matter is adjourned for further consideration on January 31, 2025.”
The petition highlights the ongoing distress faced by the victims’ families and calls for a thorough review of the circumstances surrounding the interim bail granted to the accused.
The tragic drowning of the three aspirants has drawn significant public attention to safety measures in educational institutions. Questions have been raised about the responsibilities of administrators in ensuring adequate safeguards for students within their premises.
The case is set for further deliberation in early 2025, as courts continue to address the legal and ethical dimensions of the incident, including accountability and compensation for the affected families.