
Kerala HC Revises Dress Code for Women Judicial Officers to Address Challenges

Kerala HC

In a move aimed at alleviating the challenges faced by women judicial officers, the Kerala High Court has modified a dress code that has been in place for decades.

The court issued a circular on October 7, revising its original 1970 order. This revision now allows women judicial officers the option of wearing a white salwar, in addition to the traditional white saree with a black collar blouse.

The circular stipulates that all other colors, except black and white, should be avoided, and the chosen attire should remain modest and simple, reflecting the dignity of a judicial officer. The decision to update the dress code was prompted by feedback from Lady Judicial Officers who expressed the hardships they faced due to changing climatic conditions and infrastructural deficiencies within the courts.

Under the revised dress code, women judicial officers are permitted to wear a white salwar with either full or half sleeves. The salwar should have a high neck or collar. They are also required to wear a white or black kameez that fits modestly and covers the ankles. Additionally, a black full-sleeved coat or black vest with a soft or stiff collar, along with bands and gowns as necessary, are part of the authorized attire.

This change in the dress code was discussed by Chief Justice A J Desai during a meeting of the Kerala Judicial Officers Association held recently. The modification aims to address the practical issues faced by women judicial officers, particularly related to climatic conditions and the limitations of court facilities.


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About the Author: Nunnem Gangte