
Now It’s Turn of Ansari Bros: Court Convicts Mukhtar and Afzal In Gangsters Act Case

The Ghazipur Court today convicted Mukhtar Ansari and his brother BSP MP Afzal Ansari in gangster act case.

The Special MP MLA court in its verdict sentenced former MLA Mukhtar Ansari to 10 years imprisonment and also imposed a fine of ₹5 lakh and brother Afzal Ansari to 4 years imprisonment and imposed a fine of 1 lakh.

The trial in the case under the UP Gangsters and Anti-Social Activities (Prevention) Act concluded on 1ST April.

Previously, Ansari was booked for the involvement in the kidnapping of coal tycoon & Vishwa Hindu Parishad’s office-bearer Nandkishore Rungta in year 1996 and the murder of BJP MLA Krishnanand Rai in year 2005.

Currently, Mukhtar Ansari is in Banda jail.

Last year, in September the Lucknow Bench of the Allahabad High Court sentenced him to 7 years’ imprisonment for intimidating a jailer by abusing and pointing a pistol at him also threatening to kill him in 2003.

However, the Court noted that Ansari intimidated the complainant jailer, who was performing a public duty by abusing while pointing a revolver towards and threatening to kill him.

After that, he was also sentenced to 5 years of rigorous imprisonment and a fine of ₹50,000 under the Gangsters Act in relation to a FIR which was lodged against Ansari in year 1999 stating that he had a gang that committed heinous offences including murder, extortion, kidnapping and abduction.

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About the Author: Meera Verma