Kannada actor Darshan Thoogudeepa, who faces charges in the Renukaswamy murder case, presented his defense in the Karnataka High Court, claiming that the deceased had been a “menace to society.”
During a hearing on Darshan’s bail request, Senior Advocate C.V. Nagesh, who represents the actor, argued that Renukaswamy had a history of sharing explicit images of women and disregarded social norms. Nagesh condemned the victim’s actions as “reprehensible” and noted that despite Renukaswamy’s disrespectful behavior, he had been presented in a favorable light, whereas his client, Darshan, was being unfairly portrayed as the villain.
Nagesh remarked, “A man with no respect for women, a lawless individual, has now been portrayed as a national hero, while my client, who is a hero in reel life, is being vilified as a villain.”
Nagesh also highlighted alleged flaws in the investigation process, including delays in conducting a postmortem examination and an inquest. He pointed out that Renukaswamy’s body was found on June 9 by a security guard.
Furthermore, Nagesh rejected claims that Darshan had ordered Renukaswamy’s abduction, insisting that the victim had willingly traveled from Chitradurga to Bengaluru.
Justice S. Vishwajith Shetty will continue hearing the bail plea on November 28.
The case centers on 33-year-old Renukaswamy, a fan of Darshan, who reportedly sent inappropriate messages to Pavithra Gowda, a friend of the actor. This allegedly provoked Darshan, leading to Renukaswamy’s murder. His body was discovered near a stormwater drain in Bengaluru’s Sumanahalli area on June 9. According to authorities, Raghavendra, a member of Darshan’s fan club in Chitradurga, lured Renukaswamy to a shed in R.R. Nagar, where he was allegedly tortured and killed. The post-mortem report confirmed that Renukaswamy died due to shock and hemorrhage caused by multiple blunt force injuries.
Police have identified Pavithra Gowda, the prime accused, as the main instigator. They claim she conspired with the other accused to carry out the crime.
Darshan was arrested on June 11, and although he remains out on interim bail, he had spent over four months in Ballari jail before being granted medical relief in October for spine surgery.
Pavithra Gowda is currently imprisoned in Bengaluru, while other co-accused are held in various jails across the state, with some recently being granted bail.
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