
Ex-Honduras President Juan Orlando Hernandez Found Guilty of Drug Trafficking

Juan Orlando Hernandez

Juan Orlando Hernández Alvarado, the former president of Honduras, was convicted of drug trafficking by an American jury after a two-week trial in federal court in Manhattan. Hernandez, 55, faced charges from prosecutors for coordinating with criminal traffickers to transport over 400 tons of cocaine from Honduras to the United States during his tenure in office.

Prosecutors alleged that Hernandez accepted millions of dollars in bribes in exchange, which he used to advance his political career in Honduras. Hernandez served as president of Honduras from 2014 until 2022.

After completing his second term, he was extradited to the US in 2022 on charges of conspiring to import cocaine into the country, conspiring to possess firearms and other explosive devices for drug trafficking, and possessing such weapons while participating in the drug trafficking conspiracy. He faces a maximum sentence of life in prison for all charges.

Using his executive authority to facilitate the extradition of certain drug traffickers to the US “who posed a threat to his hold on power,” Hernandez “shielded and enriched the drug traffickers within his inner circle” during his time in office, according to the Justice Department. Hernandez also assured drug traffickers who paid him and followed his directives that they would be protected in Honduras.

Furthermore, according to the prosecution, Hernandez’s collaborators in the scheme relied on the Honduran National Police to safeguard cocaine shipments as they traversed the country. Hernandez testified in his own defense earlier this week, denying the allegations against him.

An attorney for Hernandez announced on Friday that they would appeal the conviction. “He remains resilient, but he’s understandably disheartened,” said Raymond Colon, the attorney, speaking of the former president. Describing Hernandez as “an honorable man who fought for the same objectives as the US in the war against drugs,” Colon continued, “It’s a tragedy.”

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About the Author: Nunnem Gangte