

The Supreme Court of India has pronounced numerous Constitution Bench Judgements in the year 2020. In this write-up, the Constitution Bench Judgments pronounced in the year 2020 are briefly discussed. MUKESH V.... Read more »

Legal obligation in NSA detention cases must be discharged with great sense of responsibility: Orissa HC

This judgment leaves no room for doubt that the Orissa High Court has taken strong exception to illegal detention of petitioner detenu which is bad in law. It has therefore very rightly... Read more »

Better to buy than compete?

Whether de-merger is the right solution or resorting to other remedies like compulsory licencing would be viable remains to be seen. However, in this process, one thing the authorities need to keep... Read more »

Internal Complaints Committee cannot comment on personal conduct of parties: Delhi HC

The Delhi High Court has set the record straight on the ambit of the Internal Complaints Committee. Justice Pratibha M. Singh has clearly laid down that ICC should refrain from indulging in... Read more »


Law of diplomatic relations is of ancient origin. It derives strength from the concept of ‘Sovereign Equality’ and ‘Sovereign Immunity.’ International relations of different nation states in pursuit of their national interest... Read more »

Adverse inference can be drawn against party who does not appear in person to depose: Supreme Court

In a well-written, well-worded, well-reasoned, well-substantiated and well-analysed judgment titled Iqbal Basith and others vs N Subbalakshmi and others in Civil Appeal No. 1725 of 2020 delivered as recently as on December... Read more »

Identity politics, elections and the Representation of the People Act, 1951

In 2017, a seven-Judge Bench of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in Abhiram Singh vs C.D. Commachen (Dead) By Lrs.& Ors delivered a judgement on Section 123(3) of the Representation of... Read more »

Right to be forgotten: A critical and comparative analysis

The article examines the conception and subsequent development of the right to be forgotten in the European Union. Marked by an extensive right to privacy jurisprudence, the sustainability of the right is higher in... Read more »

Closure report can’t be filed merely because informant did not supply adequate materials for probe: SC

The three-judge Bench of the Supreme Court, while setting aside closure reports against some accused in a murder case did not shy away from remarking that a ‘fair investigation is a necessary... Read more »

Burdening the burdened: A constitutional scrutiny of reverse onus clauses

The roots of the principle can be traced to the English law. It is also an international human right under the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The ‘golden thread’ which binds... Read more »