
Fault lines in the Indian criminal justice system

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere”. -Martin Luthar King Jr. “Law should not sit limply, while those who defy it go free and those who seek its protection lose hope”.... Read more »

The places of Worship Act 1991, decoloniality and indigenous rights

In all the years that the issue has been hotly debated in independent Bharat, it has been typically approached through the lens of ‘communal politics’, especially by those who have believed and... Read more »

‘Covid’ or ‘Corona’: Can they be trademarks for pharmaceutical industry?

The pandemic, an unprecedented crisis, has turned out to be a business opportunity for the pharmaceutical industry, with the industry reaping benefits from its Intellectual Property. There has been a plethora of... Read more »

The rigmaroles of deal making during Covid-19

Trends show that a number of businesses are facing challenges related to cash flows and investors are looking for assets at attractive valuations. Read more »

Tax litigation in India

As per the litigation trend in courts, it appears that the government is adamant to pursue several litigations pertaining to transitional credit. Despite a settled position in law that credit is a... Read more »

Homebuyers under IBC: United they stand, divided they fall

“If you have to fight for what’s your own, you are either the Pandavas or an Indian homebuyer”  What goes as a jovial proverb amidst the real estate lobby is an apt... Read more »

Competition law, digital world and search advertising

Introduction In our previous trend, we focused on the features of markets in the digital world with respect to high returns to scale and network externalities which went handin-hand with the rise... Read more »

Fugitive Economic Offenders Act, 2018 vis-à-vis extradition: A viewpoint

Analysing the Fugitive Economic Offenders Act, 2018 (FEO Act) with regards to extradition. Read more »

The deep-seated coloniality in the Indian legal system

Unfortunately, the dominant voices in Bharat, which ought to have been that of decoloniality, continue to behave like new converts who spout the virtues of the ‘Global Human Rights Compact’ in the... Read more »

Increase in settlement of disputes: The Covid-19 silver lining

COVID-19 pandemic has brought the Indian legal industry to a standstill. Even after the substantial reopening of the economy, Indian Courts and tribunals have continued to exhibit a cautious attitude by completely... Read more »