
Judiciary and Executive: Courts & Masters, three opportunities

The Supreme Court of UK has itself dispensed with the traditional wig and gown subject to certain terms and conditions. In Australia, the court dress varies from state to state, from court... Read more »

India that is Bharat

Shri Har Govind Pant was in favour of Bharatvarsha and was keen on doing away with India altogether since he felt that clinging to India was proof of the colonialised mindsets of... Read more »

Sexual harassment at workplace: A critical analysis

In 21st century India, with the adoption of Acts such The Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act, 2019, it has become imperative that the Legislature makes sexual harassment laws all-encompassing, gender-neutral and... Read more »

Bapsi Nariman: In memory of Fali’s better half

Fali was her universe and she was his. They were a couple where the whole was larger than the sum total of its parts. Read more »

Bapsi Nariman, an author who popularised Parsi cuisine among many in North India

A Judge is known by his judgements, a lawyer by the cases he has argued and the writer by the books he has written. In that sense Bapsi Nariman left her imprints... Read more »

Are your corporate policies updated for opening up post Covid lockdown?

The new normal has also meant increased use of personal devices and unsecured data networks by employeesas they work remotely. These factors have added a different dimension to companies’ data security needs. Read more »

Lessons for India from the US-France digital tax war

When France imposed its 3% digital services tax on large US digitized businesses, the US trade representative responded by imposing additional duties of up to 100% tariffs on French products worth USD... Read more »

Suspension of initiation of corporate insolvency proceedings

The introduction of new sub-section (3) to section 66 seems to be merely clarification based, and made by way of abundant caution for removal of doubts, as without it too the position... Read more »

Treading a tightrope: The way forward for the virtual currency sector in India

“When digital transformation is done right, it’s like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly, but when done wrong, all you have is a really fast caterpillar.” — George Westerman The aforementioned quote... Read more »

Future Frame of Arbitration post COVID-19

It may be noted that even after getting no place in statutory provisions, Emergency Arbitration is trying to absorb its place in the rules and procedures of several arbitration institutions. Read more »