
Uttarakhand Government Takes a Stand: Suspends Licenses of 14 Patanjali Products

In a decisive move, the Uttarakhand licensing authority halted operations for 14 products under Baba Ramdev’s Patanjali’s Divya Pharmacy on Monday. This action follows an affidavit submitted to the Supreme Court, reflecting concerns over misleading advertisements. As the case unfolds, with a scheduled Supreme Court hearing on April 30, the controversy surrounding these products intensifies.

Supreme Court’s Scrutiny

During a previous hearing on April 23, the Supreme Court postponed proceedings, demanding copies of the apology advertisements from Patanjali’s legal team. The bench emphasized the importance of clarity, stating a need for advertisements to be easily readable without magnification.

Banned Products

Among the suspended items are a range of Divya Pharmacy’s offerings, including Drishti Eye Drop, Swasari Pravahi, Swasari Avaleh, Mukta Vati Extra Power, Swasari Gold, Swasari Vati, Bronchom, Lipidom, Bp Grit, Madhugrit, Madhunashini Vati Extra Power, Livamrit Advance, Eyegrit Gold and Livogrit. This move underscores the severity of the allegations against Patanjali and its affiliates.

Apologies and Pledges

On April 16, Ramdev and Balkrishna expressed regret to the Supreme Court for their involvement in misleading advertisements and disparaging remarks about allopathic medicines. Ramdev assured the court of a more conscientious approach moving forward. This development emerged amidst the court’s review of the contempt case against Patanjali Ayurved, Ramdev, and Balkrishna, concerning their product promotion practices.


The suspension of licenses for Patanjali products marks a significant turn in the ongoing legal saga surrounding the company’s advertising practices. As the case unfolds in the Supreme Court, the outcome could have far-reaching implications for the future of product promotion and consumer protection in India.

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About the Author: Payal Singh