
1st Female American SC Judge Sandra Passes Away


Sandra Day O’Connor, the first woman to serve as a justice on the Supreme Court of the United States, died on December 1 in Phoenix at the age of 93.
Having spent most of her life in Arizona, Sandra Day O’Connor exerted significant influence on the state’s court, particularly on divisive issues such as affirmative action, abortion, voting rights, religion, unionism, and gender discrimination. According to The New York Times, his viewpoints shaped the legal landscape on these controversial topics.
Chief Justice John Roberts lamented, “Sandra Day O’Connor, a daughter of the American Southwest, accomplished a historic feat as our nation’s first female judge.”
Appointed by Republican former President Ronald Reagan in the early 1980s during a conservative turn in the country, Sandra Day O’Connor, despite her personal conservatism, played a key role in upholding the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, which outlawed abortion. Established as a constitutional right.
His stance on the matter was clear in his statement during the reading of the decision in Planned Parenthood v. Casey.
Sandra Day O’Connor was also a prominent figure in the controversial election of 2000, where she lost to former President George W. Bush joined the majority, blocking a recount effort that could have changed the outcome in Florida.
In October 2018, at the age of 88, O’Connor, who had been diagnosed with early stages of dementia, including the possibility of Alzheimer’s disease, issued a public letter announcing her withdrawal from public life.
During his retirement, O’Connor remained active and served as a visiting judge in federal appeals courts across the country. She continued to advocate judicial independence and civics education.
In addition, she devoted time to her six grandchildren, engaged in travel, and wrote two children’s books inspired by her lively upbringing on a remote Arizona ranch.

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About the Author: Ashish Sinha

-Ashish Kumar Sinha -Editor Legally Speaking -Ram Nath Goenka awardee - 14 Years of Experience in Media - Covering Courts Since 2008