
Boris Johnson Resigns As Member Of Parliament Amid Sanctions For Misleading Parliament

Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson shocked the nation on recently when he announced his resignation as a lawmaker.

This decision came after being informed that he would face sanctions for providing misleading information to Parliament regarding the “partygate” scandal, which involved government parties that violated pandemic-related rules.

In a lengthy statement upon his resignation, Johnson accused his opponents of attempting to force him out and hinted at a possible return in the future. He expressed his sadness at leaving Parliament, stating, “It is very sad to be leaving Parliament — at least for now.”

Johnson disclosed that he had received a letter from the Privileges Committee, which surprised him, indicating their determination to utilize the proceedings against him to remove him from Parliament. He criticized the committee investigating him, referring to it as a “kangaroo court,” asserting that their intention from the outset had been to find him guilty regardless of the actual facts.

The resignation of Mr. Johnson as a lawmaker for a suburban London seat will prompt a special election to find his replacement. Throughout his turbulent career marked by scandals and comebacks, Mr. Johnson led the Conservatives to a decisive victory in 2019. However, he was compelled to step down by his own party less than three years later.

An investigation by the House of Commons standards committee was underway to determine the veracity of Mr. Johnson’s misleading statements to Parliament. These statements pertained to numerous gatherings in government buildings during 2020 and 2021, which violated pandemic lockdown rules. The investigation’s outcome was eagerly anticipated, as it could have resulted in Mr. Johnson’s suspension from the House of Commons had deliberate falsehoods been proven.

The controversy surrounding the late-night parties, boozy gatherings, and “wine time Fridays” eventually led to the issuance of 126 fines by the police, one of which was given to Mr. Johnson himself. This scandal played a significant role in accelerating the end of his time as the head of government.

The House of Commons standards committee was on the verge of publishing its report in the coming weeks before the resignation, which would have shed light on the investigation’s findings.

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About the Author: Meera Verma