The Delhi High Court observed and has directed the Director General of Prisons, Tihar to install CCTV cameras inside offices of Superintendent and Deputy Superintendent in order to dispel false allegations regarding beating by inmates at the hands of jail officials.
Additional Sessions Judge Sonu Agnihotri of Saket Courts observed while dealing with the petition filled by an inmate Monu alleging that he was beaten inside the office of Deputy Superintendent of Tihar Jail for over an hour after being tied on an Iron Jhoolla this year in March.
It was noted by the court that the allegations qua beating of inmate Monu in Tihar jail had surfaced twice in office of Deputy Superintendent and that similar allegations had been raised in other cases as well.
Further, the Court was of the view that the installation of CCTV Cameras in offices of senior jail officials would not only dispel any false allegations against them but also reflect transparency in functioning of such offices.
It was stated by the court that this court is not insisting on audio recording in these offices but even if dignitaries visit these offices with regard to their official functioning, in these offences, the same should not be a reason not to install in these offices.
Adding to it, the court observed that ultimate control of these CCTV cameras will remain in hands of jail authorities and no outside person without permission of jail authorities in a routine manner will be able to see the same. In case, the allegations of beating of UTPs again come inside these offices and the truth will come to the fore easily. Delhi will save a lot of precious time and lot of time and energy of jail authorities will also be saved by installation of CCTV cameras inside offices of Superintendent /Deputy Superintendent.
The Court was informed by the DGP of Tihar that installing CCTV cameras in rooms of Superintendent and Deputy Superintendent would not be advisable as these rooms are often use to host dignitaries and visitors including Senior Government Officers and Judicial Officers who visit Jails and have meeting with the jail officials.
Also it was stated that CCTV cameras have been installed in each corner of the gallery area of the Administrative Block as well as control room thereby properly covering outer area of these rooms. It added that in case any untoward incident occurs in any such rooms, the same can be easily judged from already installed CCTV cameras outside.
It was stated by the court that if judges/dignitaries/ Senior Government Officers visit Jail and offices of Superintendent /Deputy Superintendent are used to host them, this cannot be a reason not to install CCTV cameras inside such offices and so far as interrogation of inmates by police officials / legal interviews of inmates is concerned, it should also not be a reason for not getting installed CCTV cameras in offices of Deputy Superintendent / Superintendent concerned.
It was added that the proceedings of the Courts nowadays are not only at subordinate level but also of highest court of the Country can be viewed by general public while sitting in comfort of their houses which fact reflects nothing but transparency around India, in functioning of courts.
It was added by the court that while it was not insisting on audio recording in the offices, it added that even if dignitaries visit for their official functioning, in these offences, the same should not be a reason not to install the same.
Thus, the court called for a compliance report to be filed by the DGP on August 29, the next date of hearing.
The court also directed the concerned Jail Superintendent to produce CCTV footage regarding incident as alleged by inmate Monu.