
Father Raped own Daughter, Court Sentenced him17 years Jail, Rejects Prayer of Lenient View

Mumbai Session Court

A Mumbai Special Session Judge AZ Kahn sentenced a man for 17 years jail because he was forund guilty of beationg and raping own her daughter. The court rejecting the convicts request, and said that no leniency could be given in the punishment as the offence was committed neither under duress nor on provocation by the minor.

The convict, a 53 year old man prayed for leniency, stating that no one is behind him to look after wife and four children.

But Court said that, The accused committed such offences against his minor daughter when he had her custody and had to take care of the victim; the accused is not entitled to the lenient view as contended by him.

According to the prosecution, the minor lost her mother as very early age. Following her death, her father remarried. The girl, on several occasions, turned up at her mother’s relative’s house, but she was asked to return every time. In 2016, when she disclosed what had been happening to her, the family went to the police station to file a complaint.

The defence of the accused’s father said that his deceased wife’s family was falsely implicating the man as he had remarried against their wishes.

However, Special Sessions Judge, AZ Khan, found the victim’s statement cogent and convincing.

“The defence has absolutely failed to bring any facts on record to show as to why the minor victim deposed and levelled such serious allegations against her own father. Moreover, the version of the minor victim is not only cogent, consistent and convincing, but also rightly supported by the version of the complainant.”

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About the Author: Ashish Sinha

-Ashish Kumar Sinha -Editor Legally Speaking -Ram Nath Goenka awardee - 14 Years of Experience in Media - Covering Courts Since 2008