
Murder Case: Meerut Court Sentences 3 Men to Life Imprisonment

Murder Case

A court in Meerut (Uttar Pradesh) has sentenced three individuals to life imprisonment for murdering a man in 2012, police officials said on Saturday.

As per Meerut Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Rohit Singh Sajwan, Additional District Judge Kalpana Chauhan also imposed a fine of Rs 30,000 each on the three convicted individuals- Khaiber, Hasan and Hussain.

The three men were booked for murdering Shahrukh (the victim) over a personal rivalry.

They tried to hide his body but the police managed to recover it and a case was filed at the Lisari Gate Police Station. the SSP informed.

They attempted to hide his body but police managed to recover it and a case was registered at the Lisari Gate Police Station, the SSP said.

The SSP informed that after the investigations, a chargesheet was also filed against the three convicted individuals.

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About the Author: Nunnem Gangte