The Chief Justice (CJ) of the Orissa High Court, S. Muralidhar, recently inaugurated ten more virtual branches of the High Court in various districts throughout Odisha, bringing the total number of such virtual branches to twenty.
The Orissa High Court inaugurated virtual branches in Angul, Dhenkanal, Jagatsinghpur, Jajpur, Keonjhar, Kendrapara, Kandhamal at Phulbani, Mayurbanj at Baripada, Nayagarh and Sundargarh.
On February 6,2023, Chief Justice of India (CJI) DY Chandrachud inaugurated the High Court’s first ten virtual branches.
These virtual branches will allow lawyers from the abovementioned districts to virtually appear before the High Court as well as file their cases with the registry.
A ‘backoffice’ would be attached to the fully equipped virtual courtrooms, allowing advocates to file their cases virtually, obtain certified documents, and so on.
“This is yet another historic occasion for the state. It will ensure prompt justice, at least in bail cases and cases that require immediate attention. It will lower the costs of litigants while increasing efficiency. Citizens would no longer have to travel to Cuttack for their hearing. They can attend from their respective districts,” the Chief Justice stated.