
Plea In Delhi HC Seeking To Declare MCD Standing Committee Polls “null & void”

A petition has been moved today to the Delhi High Court seeking its interventions & directions the current process of election for 6 members of Standing Committee to the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) as null & void.

Petitioners Sharad Kapoor (BJP associate) contested the MCD councillor election via plea stating that the mayor has confronted every constitutional & statutory norm. Despite holding a constitutional post the mayor betrayed the mandate of Constitution by allowing the mobile phones and pens in the election proceedings of 6 members of standing committee.

The plea stated that the Municipal Secretary has explicitly stated that the elections can’t be conducted as there are only 245 ballot papers which are short of statutorily requirement of 250 ballot papers. The guiding principals for the elections for members through Single transferrable voting system as identified in the handbook of the Election Commission of India required to maintain the secrecy of the ballot.

Furthermore, the violet colour sketch pen is to be provided by the returning officer to every voter and no mobile phone or any type of digital camera is permitted in the voting area.

Therefore, the plea sought direction for the re-election of Standing Committee’s 6 members to the Delhi Municipal Corporation after getting the adequate number of printed ballot papers and other necessary items.

The Bench of Justice Purushainder Kumar Kaurav listed the matter for February 27, 2023.

Further, the plea sought direction that no mobile phones/pens or any other electronic gadget be allowed during the election of 6 Members of the Standing Committee of the MCD 2023.

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About the Author: Meera Verma