
SC Extends Deadline for AAP Headquarters Vacate Until Aug 10


The Supreme Court has further extended the deadline for the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) to vacate its headquarters in the Rouse Avenue area of Delhi until August 10.

‘Last Opportunity’

This extension, granted by a vacation bench comprising Justices Vikram Nath and Sandeep Mehta, is emphasized as a “last opportunity” for the party. The bench specified that the extension is contingent upon the AAP providing an undertaking to the Supreme Court’s Registry, committing to vacate and peacefully hand over the property by August 10, 2024.

Explaining the rationale behind the extension, the bench highlighted that the premises were originally allocated to the Delhi High Court for its expansion in 2020. The obstruction of the High Court’s expansion, coupled with cost concerns, was cited as pertinent factors.

The order stated, “This application is for an extension of time till August 10, 2024. Considering facts and circumstances and as a last opportunity, we extend the time till August 10, 2024 on an undertaking to be given by the applicant within a week before the Registry of this court that they shall hand over vacant and peaceful possession by August 10, 2024.”

AAP’s Plea

The bench approved an application submitted by the AAP requesting an extension of time until August 10. Previously, the Supreme Court had set June 15 as the deadline for the AAP. The property in question, originally allotted to the Delhi High Court, has been the subject of contention. AAP argued that it was allotted the plot in 2015 and that its designation for the judiciary occurred later in 2020.

Additionally, AAP asserted its entitlement to a plot in Central Delhi commensurate with other national parties, given its national party status.

The apex court directed AAP to approach the Centre’s Land And Development Office (L&DO) for the allocation of suitable land for its offices.

Read More: Supreme CourtDelhi High CourtStates High CourtOther Courts, International

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About the Author: Nunnem Gangte