Biological Parents

Sperm or Egg Donors Have No Legal Rights on Child: Bombay High Court

The Bombay High Court ruled on Tuesday that a sperm or egg donor has no legal rights over a child and cannot claim to be its biological parent. The Court granted a... Read more »

Bombay HC Directs Adoptive Parents To Seek Stay On Order That Asks To Return The Child To Its Biological Parents

The Bombay High Court has given five weeks times to adoptive parents to seek a stay from another bench of the high court on an order of the civil court ordering them... Read more »

Foster Child: Mumbai Civil Court Allows Custody of Baby to Biological Mother

A civil court in Mumbai recently ordered an “adoptive parents” to hand over a boy to a 25-year-old woman, citing her right to custody as the biological mother. The biological mother, who was... Read more »