Lok Sabha Elections

Poll Code Violation Case: Rampur Court Acquits SP Leader Azam Khan

An MP-MLA court in Rampur, Uttar Pradesh, has acquitted Samajwadi Party leader Azam Khan in a 2019 poll violation case.…

1 month ago

BJP Leader Rajeev Chandrasekhar Files Defamation Case against Shashi Tharoor

Former Union Minister and BJP Leader Rajeev Chandrasekhar has filed a criminal defamation complaint against Congress MP Shashi Tharoor from…

2 months ago

BJP Leader Sanjay Tandon Moves Punjab & Haryana HC against Congress Manish Tewari

BJP leader Sanjay Tandon has filed a petition in the Punjab and Haryana High Court challenging the election of Chandigarh…

2 months ago

Shiv Sena Vs Shiv Sena: Bombay HC Issues Summons to Ravindra Waikar on Amol Kirtikar’s Plea

The Bombay High Court on Monday issued summons to Shiv Sena’s Ravindra Waikar in response to a petition filed by…

2 months ago

Gauhati HC Issues Summons to BJP MP Kripanath Mallah on Plea Challenging his Election

The Gauhati High Court has issued summons to Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Member of Parliament Kripanath Mallah in an election…

2 months ago

Plea in Punjab & Haryana HC Challenging Jailed MP Amritpal Singh’s Election

A petition has been filed in the Punjab & Haryana High Court challenging the election of Amritpal Singh, the Member…

2 months ago

Jailed MP Amritpal Singh’s Brother Arrested in Drug Case

Jailed Lok Sabha MP Amritpal Singh's brother, Harpreet Singh, has been arrested by Jalandhar Police in a drug case. Harpreet…

3 months ago

2019 Poll Code Violation: Rampur Court Grants Relief to Ex-MP Jaya Prada

An MP-MLA court in Rampur (UP) on Thursday acquitted former MP and actor Jaya Prada in a poll code violation…

3 months ago

Delhi Court Directs NIA to Reply on Engineer Rashid’s Plea by July 1

Delhi’s Patiala House Court on Saturday directed the National Investigation Agency (NIA) to respond by July 1 to an application…

3 months ago

Post-Poll Violence: Calcutta HC Orders State Govt to Facilitate Return of Displaced Individuals

The Calcutta High Court has directed the West Bengal government to take immediate measures to facilitate the return of individuals…

3 months ago