Review Petition Challenges SC's Decision on EVM VVPAT Judgment

Review Petition Challenges SC’s EVM VVPAT Judgment

A review petition has been submitted to the Supreme Court, contesting its decision to dismiss the proposal of returning to paper ballots and verifying Electronic Voting Machine (EVM) votes with Voter Verifiable... Read more »
Art 370

Art 370 Verdict: Review Petitions Files in Supreme Court

Petitions have been filed in the Supreme Court, seeking a reconsideration of its judgment that upheld the validity of the Union government’s 2019 decision to abrogate Article 370 of the Constitution, conferring... Read more »

SC Agrees to Hear Review Petitions Against Verdict Allowing ‘Jallikattu’

The Supreme Court on Monday agreed to consider listing petitions seeking a review of its 2023 judgment that upheld the validity of amendments made in a Tamil Nadu law, allowing the bull-taming... Read more »