
Community Service for Bail: MP High Court’s Landmark Decision in Sexual Abuse Case

rape case - Legally speaking

A Chance for Redemption

In a landmark decision, the Madhya Pradesh High Court has granted temporary bail to a college student accused of sexual harassment, with an unusual condition: community service. The case, Abhishek Sharma v The State of Madhya Pradesh, involves a first-year BBA student accused of harassing a girl via WhatsApp and making vulgar calls.

“Course Correction” Opportunity

Single-judge Justice Anand Pathak acknowledged the severity of the allegations but emphasized the importance of giving the student an opportunity to correct his behavior. “The allegations are ugly, but the applicant is a student who deserves a chance for course correction to become a better citizen,” the judge stated in the May 16 order.

Creative Pursuits and Community Service

The defense counsel proposed granting temporary bail for two months, suggesting that the accused engage in creative pursuits and community service to “melt his alleged ego.” The Court agreed, imposing conditions to ensure the student learns a valuable lesson during this period.

Allegations and Bail Plea

The accused was arrested on April 4 for continuously harassing a girl. In his plea for temporary bail, he argued that prolonged confinement would harm his academic prospects. Both he and his parents assured the Court that he would not harass the complainant again.

Detailed Bail Conditions

The Court’s bail conditions require the student to serve at the District Hospital in Bhopal every Saturday and Sunday from 9 am to 1 pm. His role will be to assist patients in the external department, under strict supervision to ensure no harm or inconvenience is caused.

Integrating into Society

The Court noted that this service would educate the student in first aid and disaster management, helping him integrate into society and become a disaster management volunteer.

Next Hearing

The Court has scheduled the next hearing for July 22, where the student’s progress will be reviewed and further decisions will be made regarding his bail status.

Read More: Supreme CourtDelhi High CourtStates High CourtOther CourtsInternational

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About the Author: Payal Singh