The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) recently issued notice to the Chief Secretary, Government of Andhra Pradesh regarding a report indicating the absence of any school establishment in the Jajulabandha tribal hamlet situated in the Alluri Sitharama Raju (ASR) district. According to the report, the children in the area are unable to attend school due to the challenging six-kilometer journey through rough forest terrain. Consequently, they opt to work alongside their parents.
The NHRC has expressed concern over the potential violation of the children’s right to education if the information presented in the media report is accurate.
Accordingly, it asked the concerned authorities to submit the detailed report within four weeks.
The NHRC has requested the concerned authorities to submit a detailed report within a period of four weeks. The Commission seeks information regarding the measures taken or planned to address the concerns raised in the news report, as well as similar difficulties faced by the people in other parts of the State.
As per the media report dated 31st May, 2023, the tribal hamlet comprises 60 children aged between 1 and 10 years. According to the report, an NGO has contributed approximately 1.2 lakh towards the construction of a temporary school, along with providing books and blackboards. However, the crucial requirement now is the appointment of a teacher for the well-being of the children. The report also states that on May 30, 2023, the children and their parents organized a unique demonstration, folding their hands in an appeal to the authorities to assign a government teacher temporarily, if not establish a school in their village.