
Unpaid Wages & Overwork? Know Your Legal Rights Against Exploitative Companies

If a company withholds salary or else demands excessive shift work, employees can take legal action. They have the right to file a complaint with the State Government’s Labor Court/District Court for unpaid wages and overwork issues, ensuring fair treatment and compensation under labor laws.

The exploitation persists in high-rise buildings and large corporations. Employees often face withheld salaries or are made to work beyond their shift timings.

Various company policies create significant stress for workers. If you are also troubled by such corporate behavior, here’s what the law says and what you can do in such situations:

-If an Employee Does Not Serve the Notice Period

Employees are often pressured to complete their notice period and threatened with legal action if they don’t. However, Delhi High Court advocate Prem Joshi states that companies can’t take any action in this case. Advocate Joshi explains, “If an employee does not complete the notice period, no action can be taken against them. However, if the employee has signed a bond or agreement, the company may file a lawsuit for recovery of damages in some cases.”

-If Salary is ‘Withheld’

If a company withholds an employee’s salary or refuses to pay it, the employee can file a complaint. Employees have the right to receive their agreed-upon salary for work done. If the company does not pay the salary, the employee can directly file a complaint with the State Government’s Labor Court/District Court.

-If Forced to Work Beyond Shift Hours

If an employee is made to work beyond the agreed shift hours, they have the right to file a complaint. In such cases, the employee can submit a written complaint directly to the Labor Court Inspector/Commissioner.

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About the Author: Meera Verma