
Court Grants Maintenance To Woman With 3 Rottweilers, Citing Emotional Support

A Mumbai court, while hearing a plea filed under the Domestic Violence Act, recently acknowledged the significance of pets in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

The case involved a 55-year-old woman seeking maintenance from her estranged husband, citing her age, health issues, and responsibility for three dependent dogs.

The court highlighted that pets play a vital role in addressing emotional voids resulting from broken relationships. The couple, who married in 1986 and lived in southern India, separated in 2021, prompting the woman to relocate to Mumbai. She asserted that her husband had promised to provide for her basic needs.

Stating her lack of income & health challenges, the woman further emphasized the dependence of her three Rottweiler dogs on her care. She sought Rs 70,000 per month as maintenance in her plea.

However, the husband contended that his wife voluntarily left their home and questioned her claimed income sources. He also mentioned incurring business losses, making it difficult for him to provide maintenance. The husband stated that he had already made certain payments to her during their separation.

After considering the arguments, the magistrate ruled in favor of the woman, granting interim maintenance. The court observed that her age, health issues, and responsibility for the dogs warranted financial support. It dismissed the husband’s claims of business losses, noting that even if true, it would not absolve him of his responsibility.

Highlighting the couple’s prior affluent background, the court affirmed that maintenance should be granted, aligning with the woman’s lifestyle and requirements.

Consequently, the court ordered the husband to pay interim maintenance of Rs 50,000 per month to his estranged wife, effective from the date of her application until a final decision is reached on her main plea.

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About the Author: Meera Verma