
TikTok Bans in Nepal Over Social Harmony Concerns

Nepal’s government declared a ban on the China-owned video-sharing app TikTok on Monday, citing its adverse impact on social harmony. Rekha Sharma, the Minister of Communications and Information Technology, confirmed that the... Read more »

Bipartisan US Lawmakers Introduce Legislation To Safeguard TikTok User Information

A bipartisan group of six senators and two members of the House of Representatives recently introduced legislation aimed at safeguarding Americans’ data from being exploited by adversaries of the United States. This... Read more »

Tiktok: ByteDance Faces Accusations Of Aiding China In Spying Hong Kong Activists

ByteDance, the parent company of TikTok on Wednesday faced accusations of assisting the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in spying on Hong Kong activists advocating for civil rights. Yintao Yu, a former executive... Read more »

TikTok Sues To Stop Ban In Montana

TikTok has recently filed a lawsuit in a US federal court to prevent Montana from outright banning the video-sharing social media app. TikTok stated in its lawsuit that the unprecedented prohibition is... Read more »

France Govt Bans France Bans TikTok, Instagram, & Twitter

The French government recently ban TikTok, Instagram, and Twitter apps on the phones of government employees. In one of its important decisions, the French government banned social media apps like Tiktok, Instagram,... Read more »